
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

pregnancy lately and other things

I'm 16 (or is it 17?) weeks now, and things are moving right along.

Still feeling pretty blah right when I wake up in the morning. This lasts for a half hour or so and seems to get better if I sip on some coffee or munch on a granola bar.

Fatigue sets in in the afternoon. Lately I've been snoozing for part of Evie's afternoon nap which helps get me through the rest of the day. AND she's been napping longer than an hour these days. Win/win.

In addition to a lot of walkng, I'm able to get to the gym about twice a week which always makes me feel better. I'm hoping I can keep this up as I get further along (and bigger).

Cravings this pregnancy include: cheeseburgers (I cannot get enough of the $2 Frisch's burgers, yum), crisp salads with ranch, rice, fruit, all the fixin's from KFC or other fried chicken places, like mashed potatoes, green beans, biscuits and mac n cheese.

What else have we been up to?

We play outside in the sunshine. 

We dress up fancy for Easter. 

We collect Easter eggs and other things.

We play on our new slide. In our jammies. 

We snuggle with Daddy. 

We go to the park. 

We drink smoothies. 

We take swim lessons. 

We make silly faces with mommy. 

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Evie has something to share

We let Evie in on a little secret. At first she was shocked. Then she was nervous. Now she's warming up to the idea. 

In case you missed it on Facebook, it's true. We're thrilled to announce that Evie will be a big sister in early October. I'm about 15 weeks along now and am feeling relatively well. So far this pregnancy has been a lot easier than it was with Ev (knock on wood. and then knock again.) But seriously, even though I've been suffering from extreme bouts of fatigue and some nausea/dizziness when I first wake up in the morning, I really don't want to complain since my first pregnancy included seven straight weeks of 24/7 flu-like symptoms. 

I can hardly fathom that I get to experience the heart-bursting love that I felt with Evie once again; that I am creating a new little person that will steal my heart times one hundred and then some; that this new life will fill a space in our family we never knew existed.

If you can't tell we can hardly wait to add another little to our clan in the fall. Thanks for sharing in our excitement!
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