
Thursday, December 4, 2014

Hayes' 2nd month and Evie turns 2

I feel like the leap from summer to winter came out of no where and we somehow totally skipped fall, which is super unfortunate because it's my favorite season. Nonetheless, here we are already less than a month away from Christmas, and I'm somehow the lucky mom to a spunky two year old and the sweetest, most handsome two month old baby boy.

Evie turned two on November 15, so we had a few friends over for brownies and ice cream. We started the day by filling her room and crib with a ton of balloons and then eating donuts. YUM! Evie only ate the sugary, icing part on top and left the rest on her plate, which she called "the bread." We had a bigger party for her the weekend before with family, and our little entertainer had a blast opening gifts, eating cupcakes and celebrating her special day with her grandparents, uncle and aunt.

I am continually amazed by the person Evie is becoming and feel so very blessed and proud to be her momma. She changed so much in just the past few months. Her vocabulary is fantastic. She's saying hundreds of words and stringing together sentences. She's really dramatic and loves to entertain. Some recent favorites include:

"That's so funny." (Everything is soooo funny.)
"I be right back." (She has to remind us just in case we forget about her or something I suppose.)
"I want....hmmm. How about..." (Contemplating what she wants to do or what she wants to eat.)
"Oh his feet so wittle." (Talking about Hayes' feet.)
"Wanna take a biteeee. It taste goooood." (Offering food to me.)

She adores her baby brother and always wants to know what he's doing. He's starting to notice her, too and will often flash her a big smile when she's talking to him or watch her as she plays. She loves "helping" mommy and daddy around the house. Puzzles, coloring and baby dolls are still some of her most enjoyed activities. She also loves hide and seek, but is the worst hider. It's fun (and sad) to think about how much she will learn and grow in the next year!

Hayesy-boy continues to grow at lightening speed. He's almost 12 pounds, 22 inches long and has been in 3 month clothes for the past few weeks. Even though he's only in the 25th percentile, he's a lot bigger than Evie was at this age. In fact, I went back and looked, and she didn't weigh this much until she was four months old!

This little boy totally melts my heart every time I look at him. He's starting to smile (and I don't mean the I just passed gas smile). We're talking oh hey mom Im looking at you and you make me happy smiles. He enjoys tummy time, diaper changes and belly rubs. He's also super snuggly and likes to nap on mommy and daddy during the day.

Sleep is hit or miss. But recently (knock on wood) has been pretty decent. He consistently is ready to go to sleep between 6 and 8 every night. We put him down in his swing and let him rock for a few hours before turning it off. This has been nice because Ryan and I are getting a few hours of down time in the evening with both kids in bed. He will snooze in there the first stretch of the night, anywhere between 4-7 hours. When he wakes up to nurse in the middle of the night I then move him to the rocker or our bed, in which case he usually wakes up once or twice more to nurse.

I've also been taking Hayes to a pediatric chiropractor and totally regret never doing this with Evie. Babies go through so much during the birth process, not to mention that they were totally scrunched up in the womb for 9 months.  The chiropractor has been gently working out any problem areas to help align Hayes' tiny body and correct any interferences to his nervous system. Since going Hayes has seemed a lot less fussy and way more content during the day! I'd totally recommend it to anyone with a newborn. 

Days are long. Weeks are short. Life is pretty crazy these days. But I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Snuggles for days 

Going to be tired of saying "Evie don't touch" after this Christmas

My loves...looks like Hayes is about to pound her in the head. 

My first little turned 2.... Please stay a baby forever. :(

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