
Sunday, September 21, 2014

prepping for the birth day

Oh, this pregnancy has flown. I think the combination of it not being my first baby as well as having a toddler to chase after has helped the time pass much faster than it did when I was pregnant with Evie. During my first pregnancy I remember thinking time couldn't possibly go slower as we approached my due date. And this time, it feels like I can barely get our bags packed for the hospital, probably because they still aren't completely ready at 37 weeks!

Baby boy was head down at my last three appointments, which is fantastic news since Evie was breech from about 32 weeks until 37 weeks. As a result of his position though, I've been getting a lot kicks to my ribs. He just feels bigger in general than Evie did, but who knows, could also be his position.

I've had some Braxton Hicks, but nothing crazy. I think I actually had more of them with Evie. Evie and I try to walk a mile or two almost every day, and if I am lucky I squeeze in a trip to the gym once a week for some type of cardio. I've definitely been noticing my physical limitations lately though as a result of my rapidly growing belly and the final weeks of pregnancy.

Let's see, if the notes from my first pregnancy are accurate, then I weigh about 4-5 pounds more with this baby than I did with Evie at this point in the pregnancy. Again, not that surprised as I feel like baby boy is a bit bigger. Or maybe it's the Nutella I have on a daily basis.

Sleeping is becoming more challenging. Between having trouble falling asleep because my mind is racing through my 20 check lists, having to get up to pee 2-3 times a night, and some really wild dreams, I've been tossing and turning most nights. I think this must be God's way of preparing mom's for newborn sleep patterns and nighttime feedings.

Evie is now 22 months old and "enjoying" her last days as an only child. I've been trying to snuggle, kiss and love on her more these past few weeks knowing just "mommy and Evie" time won't be as readily available once the baby arrives. I've so enjoyed the special time Evie and I have had together for the past two years and wouldn't trade it for the world. It's weird to think she will never remember life without a baby brother. Some days I do think she knows her world is about to flip flop. She's been super clingy for mommy lately and just more affectionate overall. She also now says, "I wuv you Mommy" and "I wuv you, Daddy," which can I just say is the best sound in the world.

In preparation for the upcoming arrival of our son, I've been trying to mentally, physically and emotionally prepare for the birth and first days weeks months with a newborn. I think my doula hit it on the nose when she said during the first pregnancy we fear the unknown. During the second, we fear the known. In some ways preparing for baby two has been easier because I know just what I need to take to the hospital. I know (generally speaking) what to expect in terms of labor. Breastfeeding will be more familiar this time. And most importantly, I know that once I'm holding our new baby in my arms, all the pregnancy symptoms, preparation and laboring will have been totally worth it.

I have to brag on Ryan a little because he has honestly been such a trooper these past few months. I went into crazy "gear up for baby" mode around 30 weeks, and without complaining even a little he's jumped into every project I have handed him. He's painted rooms, finished furniture, hung a million things on the walls and still manages to fix and maintain all other aspects of our house and yard while working a 40+ hour job every week. I don't know what I did to deserve this guy, but I do know that I am the luckiest.

As we eagerly await little man's debut, I'm trying not to overthink everything or allows lists to consume my daily to-do's. I think we finally might be able to sit back, relax and just wait for the most part now!

And lastly, here are a few photos from the last month or so, sadly all coming from my iPhone. Next post just might be an introduction to the newest member of our family!

Evie loves ketchup, or "chep-up" as she likes to call it on EVERYTHING.

I'm so glad it's finally fall so Evie can start wearing these boots!

The park up the street had a small petting farm about a month ago. Evie wasn't too sure about this guy.

Like last pregnancy, Ryan has been collecting my favorite pumpkin beers to enjoy after the baby comes! 

This girl is too funny at breakfast time. 

Matching Bears jerseys thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Ytterberg! Ryan even has her saying "Go Bears."Proud daddy right there. 

Although a little nervous about a trip "far" from home so close to the due date, Ryan and I traveled for an evening to Louisville to watch two of our closest friends from college say "I do" this weekend.

The beautiful bride and one of my dearest friends. 

Most of these guys all lived with Ryan in college at some point and were also some of our closest friends. It was fun to catch up with them at the wedding after so much time had passed (for some 5 years!) It felt good to laugh so hard I cried while telling old stories from MU. 
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