
Sunday, January 4, 2015

Hayes: 3 months

Happy 3 months sweet, sweet boy (So late on this post, as usual). You've been with us such a short time, yet you've so easily fit into our family, and I can't imagine life without you.

You are so happy. I love your smile, Hayes. You love looking at people and always want someone around to gaze at. And you just smile, and grin and make the sweetest sounds. I told daddy your eyes sparkle when you smile.  He laughed at me, but they really do.

Bath time. You love getting into the warm water. You give big smiles the entire time, and sometimes big sis likes to help!

You sleep. What a blessing this has been! For the first three months you would only nap on me during the day, which was a little frustrating at times. But night times have been so wonderful. For at least the last month you've been going to bed around 6:30/7 in your swing and sleeping really long stretches before you want to eat around 2/3 and end up in our bed. The stretch until wake up is hit or miss after that, but honestly I am just so grateful that we are all getting some sleep around here. Im starting to see a little more predictability in naps also and have been trying to lay you down for those as well with some success!

Early teether? Your sis got her first two bottom teeth around 3 months, so I suspect you may as well. You've been drooling like crazy and a bit fussy lately, so I wouldn't be surprised if we see some teeth soon.

Stop growing. I wanted time to pass so quickly with your sister, always looking ahead to the next new stage. But now that we already know what to expect, I am perfectly fine with you taking your sweet time to grow.  If I could stop time and freeze your small, adorable baby features I think I would.

My handsome boy

I am the luckiest

Loves tummy time!

Big sis looking Christmasy for the Eve of the Eve service at church

Daddy and Ev finishing the Advent book

Hayesy snuggled up with Uncle Matt before he moved to florida

Hayes looking sharp in Mr. Potato Head's glasses, thanks to big sister

Smooshy face

No caption needed

Christmas cookies and crafts with my girl

We love glue


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