
Wednesday, October 21, 2015

happy 1st birthday

(I'm sooo late on this post. He will be 13 months this weekend. oops.)

Can you really be 1 already, sweet Hayes?!  The obligatory question asked by parents everywhere, and yet, so so true.

Looking down at you as I hold you, I think I am still just as amazed that you are here as I was 9 months ago when you were in my belly. Time sure flies, especially with the second kid I've found, but one thing is for certain, it has been so sweet having you in our family.

You are such an adventerous little boy. I'm not sure if it's the boy thing or the second child thing, but you seem fearless with everything you do, and you give mommy anxiety daily. Now that you are walking (faster each and every day), my top priority is following you around to make sure you don't hurt yourself. Evie was much more cautious than you. We didn't even have baby gates up on the stairs with Ev. You are another story, and every time I turn around you are trying to pull down the lamp, climb on the couch, knock over my dishes on the shelf.....exhausting.

For the most part you are a very happy baby. Unless you are hungry or we take something (dangerous) from you. Then the kicking, pouting, crying and throwing yourself on the ground ensues. I laugh at how dramatic you can be sometimes, Hayesy boy.

You still love to eat. Meat, cheese, blueberries and strawberries are your favorite. You also enjoy those expensive, yet oh so convenient, pouches from the grocery store. You are also still breastfeeding and having some cow's milk/ coconut milk, although not the biggest fan yet.

You love to mimic us. Sneezing, waving, clapping, stomping, pointing....when we do it, you copy and it's so adorable. You're big thing is laying your head down on the floor. We say "night night" and you rest your head on whatever is close by. It's precious.

Evie continues to be your very favorite. As you get older, you both interact and play more. I can already tell you're going to be great friends.

You say dada, mama, and ball. You also understand a whole slew of words, like baby, food, more, and sissy.

You love being outside. You like to stand at the tree in the front yard. You love eating mulch. And you love pushing around the toy lawn mower.

We love you so much, sweet Hayesy. Happiest 1st first birthday to you.

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