
Friday, July 19, 2013

8th month

I'm the worst at posting these on time.

Oh well! Happy 8 months, Evie!

It wasn't long after you turned 7 months old that you started to learn new things- again! Here's a brief summary of all the exciting things that went on during your 8th month of life.

You were dedicated. 

You were dedicated at our church on Father's Day. We feel so blessed to be a part of such a wonderful church body that is committed to helping us raise you up to know and love the Lord. You are also very fortunate to have very loving grandparents and aunts and an uncle who made it for the dedication as well.

We missed you Aunt Amanda

I just want to call out that I am super impressed with everyone's color coordination (except for Uncle Matt).  

Fathers Day

This month we also celebrated your daddy's first of many Father's Days.  He sure does love you and I am here to tell you that you are a lucky little girl to have him as your dad. He adores you Evelyn and can't wait to learn with you, play with you and create special memories with you.

Right after you turned 7 months old you decided you would learn to do a lot all at once.

Crawling. You've got it down! No more wounded soldier for you. Now you're are up on all fours and crawling like a pro! While this is super exciting and fun, it is also really tiring on your mommy who finds that most of the day is spent chasing you around the house so you don't hurt yourself.

Pulling up. Oh the excitement on your mommy's face when she creeped into your room to find you standing at your crib with the biggest grin on your face.  You hadn't been 7 months old for a week when you figured out how to pull yourself up in the crib.  I'm pretty sure I squealed like a little girl when I saw you.  Little did I know that this wasn't necessarily a good thing since now you are climbing all over! Up the baby gate, up my lap, up your toys!

"Come on, Evie. Will you please go to bed for Daddy?"

Solids. You've shown a bit more enthusiasm for certain foods this past month, and I knew you'd like peas like your momma! We haven't pushed it a ton as you still aren't super interested, but we are working on picking up our foods like blueberries and peas to feed ourself. They usually just end up smashed on the floor or in your shirt.

"DA-DA." You did say "ma-ma" first, but the "da-da's" are coming out pretty much all day long. I like to tell daddy that you talked about him all day while he was at work. You don't know that you're saying our "names" yet, but hearing those sweet sounds roll off your tongue sure do tug at our heartstrings.

Knock knock. Your new thing this month is knocking. You knock on my head, toys, the wall, doors. I think it is your way of testing out new things.

More teeth. Well, almost. Your two bottom teeth are especially noticeable now, and we are definitely about to cut the top two (says your less than chipper behavior these last few weeks). Those gums look nice and puffy, and I'm thinking any day now Ill see them poking through.

Weight gain.  You've always been on the teeny tiny side for weight. But after 6 months you just started gaining faster. At 6 months you were almost 15 pounds. Still on the smaller side, but healthy and growing nonetheless. Had to take you to the doc a few weeks back and they weighed you-- 17 pounds! I knew your little legs were looking chunkier than usual. Looks like all those nursing sessions have paid off after all.

Can we say temper tantrum? So, Im pretty sure you've figured out how to whine and grunt when you don't get your way. You get frustrated when you can't do something, such as pick up a piece of fruit or reach a toy. You definitely get your impatience from me.

Sleep.  I'm living proof that a person doesn't need a ton of sleep to get by. Naps during day are pretty good for the most part. Nighttime is usually still such a battle though, and you are still waking up about 2-3 times each night.

Lately you enjoy knocking over blocks when I stack them, peek-a-boo, watching daddy bounce a ball, pulling a blanket off of your face, singing and mirrors, to name a few. You are becoming quite the little tease and love playing games with mommy and daddy.

You are such a joy Evelyn, and we love you beyond words- yes even on those nights when you are crying and won't go to bed.  But one thing, can you do me a favor and stop growing up so quickly?

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