
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

10th month

Unfortunately this month got away from me and I wasn't as on top of my game with photos and "new discoveries" as usual!

This month you learned to stand without pulling up on something. You just stand right up in the middle of the floor with those strong legs of yours. You can stand for a few minutes, keeping your balance quite well before you plop back down on your butt.

You are now taking 5-6 steps before you fall, and ah, so exciting! Each day your walking skills seem to improve more and more.

You are so so mischievous. We have been practicing "no" when we see you move towards things you shouldn't have your paws on. You definitely understand, and it stops you in your tracks. I have to bite my lip so not to laugh at your adorable smirk.

We continue to introduce new foods, some of which have included cheese, yogurt, strawberries, potatoes and other finger foods. We've also been practicing using the straw to sip water and you're getting the hang of it!

I say "Where's baby?" and you look and reach for the photos of you in our living room.

Your latest obsession is with doors. You've discovered how to push them open, and while you understand that pulling them opens them as well, you can't quite figure out how to do it.

Balls are a favorite toy. You could seriously chase one around for hours. Sometimes I actually let you do just that.

You are such a silly thing. You love to play. You love when daddy chases you, and you usually tease him so that he will. You love to look at photos of yourself and other babies. Sometimes you smoosh mommy's cheeks between your two miniature hands and bring my face close to yours, putting your mouth onto mine or my nose. And my heart melts.

Goofy girl we love you. 

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