
Monday, August 18, 2014

21 months and 32 weeks

Time is passing by at lightning speed it seems. Here I am just two months out from my due date and Evie at 21 months is quickly approaching the BIG T-W-O!

Pregnancy, thus far, really has been a breeze (minus a little blood sugar hiccup which turned out to be nothing, luckily, because I wasn't quite ready to give up my weekly ice cream and daily bites of Nutella). Baby boy moves a lot at night like his sister did. I can actually feel him up in my ribs this pregnancy, which I never ever experienced with Evie. It's not painful (at least not yet anyway). I talked to my doula about it and she explained that with Evie she was just sitting there quite low on my hips. The way I carried her probably had a lot to do with my excruciating back labor. But this time around since my body has already gone through the birthing process I am able to carry him more normally, hence the reason I feel him so much higher. In other words, I think she was trying to tell me baby boy has more room in there since Evie stretched everything out the first go around. Yay!

Other things about this pregnancy: I'm waking up several times through the night, not only just to relieve my bladder, but for no apparent reason. My belly button comes out at the end of the day which is super weird and never happened with Evie.

In preparation for the baby we've been working to get a nursery together for him while also re-doing Evie's room. Something tells me these next few months are going to come and go much faster than my to-do list can handle. To be honest though, nothing could be as stressful as when we moved into our new house when I was 37 weeks pregnant with Evie, and for that I am grateful.

Evie has me laughing so much these days. She says the silliest things and is really becoming a great communicator.  Her one word responses are now two and even three word phrases. For example, she thinks she is "you." I guess I can understand this confusion. After all, we frequently say things to her like, "It's for you!" or "Where are you?," or "I love you" So her favorite game is hiding from us and then we pretend she's in all these different spots before we "find her." While we are searching and she's hiding she will yell, "Are youuuu? Finddddd youuuu." That actually means: "Where am I? Find me."

Some other favorite Evie phrases include:

Hi Mommy. Hi Daddy. Hi Ah-vie. (Evie)
All fall down.  (And then throws herself to floor in reference to Ring Around the Rosie)
Oh no flew away. (Nothing ever runs aways. Bunnies, squirrels, dogs, birds. They all flew away.)
Hold you. (Again with the you confusion. She really means hold me.)
Dank you. Welcome. (She both thanks me and you usually replies your welcome for me before I can answer.)
Mommy wif you. (Mommy come with me)
Tickle you. Hug you. Kisses. (Her new phrase at the end of day when I tell her daddy is on his way home).

She also finally plummeted out of her crib, a noise I am really OK with never hearing again. Even with the toddler bed set up in her room, I still don't feel like she (or I for that matter) am ready to take on the huge task of helping her adjust to a new bed just a couple of months before the baby arrives. So instead, to prevent any future escapes, we took the entire frame out of the crib and just put the mattress on the floor. I don't think she will be able to climb out now until she's at least 9 or 10. ;)

And finally some pics from the last month....

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