
Friday, February 15, 2013

3 Months





3 months, what?! In some ways it doesn't seem possible that she can already be that old, and in other ways it seems like she's been with us forever. This month we really saw Evelyn's little personality start to shine! She's becoming very aware of her surroundings, and seems to be growing and learning all the time.

Evelyn's likes...
Smiling. Your smile is so precious. Sometimes I catch you laughing for no reason.

Hands. Still love chewing on those hands. You try to stick both in your mouth at the same time.

Tummy time and mirror. You enjoy being on your tummy more and more as you gain better head and neck control. 
You often chat with yourself in the mirror.

Watching mommy do things around the house (fold clothes, clean, cook).

Talking with daddy when he gets home from work.

Singing. Even though your mommy and daddy are horrible singers, you still seem to enjoy it.

Changing table. You seriously have more to say when you are lying naked on your changing table than anywhere else.

Sleeping.Your GG (Daddy's Grandma Jacque) always says a lack of sleep never killed anyone. Maybe not, but I'm pretty sure I've felt like dying some mornings after you wake me up every hour to eat, snuggle and hang out. Some nights are better than others and you are becoming a much better day napper which I really appreciate.

Getting dressed. You hate having a onsie pulled over your head or having your arms pulled through a shirt. If you are already grumpy then I often avoid these types of outfits in order to keep your fussiness at bay.

When we don't pay attention to you. You get frustrated if we walk into the other room or leave you alone for too long.

Other things...
You've finally retired your newborn clothes and fit pretty well in your 3 month clothes!

You are drooling a ton. We wonder if you'll get your teeth early.

You can occasionally roll over from stomach to back and almost roll over from back to stomach.

You cough at me when you are hungry. It's hilarious.

It amazes me how quickly Evie changes from week to week and even day to day! She's constantly growing, learning and discovering something new.

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