
Friday, March 15, 2013

4 Months

Our spirited little Evelyn is getting so big. Weighing in at a little over 12 pounds at her 4 month visit, the pediatrician described her as "petite, lean and long."  Long?!  Let's hope you don't take after your uncle Matt.

Sitting up. You can't do it on your own yet, but with a little support you love sitting up like a big girl. Won't be long until we've got you in the Bumbo!

"Happy and You Know It" song. Your Nana discovered your love for this song, so now whenever we sing it, you giggle and squeal.

Mirrors. You love looking at yourself and mommy in the mirror. Almost always a smile....

Contrast. Big contrasts in color catch your attention, especially now that you are seeing so much better.

Sucking. Those fingers fine your mouth pretty easily these days. Your doctor doesn't see teeth yet, but we think you're in the early stages of teething.

Pacifiers. We try to put one in your mouth every now and then when you're fussy, but you stick your tongue out in disgust. Maybe some day...

New places and faces. Unfamiliar settings and people make you a little uneasy in the evening hours. But during the day you're doing great exploring your new surroundings.

Other things...
You started getting dry skin on your legs, which quickly turned into a red, patchy rash all over your little body. 

Turns out you have exzema. It was pretty bad for a few days, but Cetaphil and Candula oil works wonders.

You found your toes. You are holding your feet every chance you get, even getting them to your mouth on occasion.

You now know that you have hands that can reach and grab and touch. You are getting to be a pro at quickly putting things in your mouth.

You are laughing....and you laugh so hard. Sometimes it sounds painful.


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