
Saturday, February 22, 2014

Month 15 Update

This really is a sad excuse for a blog considering I only ever post when the Evster turns another month old. Nonetheless, here I am again with her 15 month update for any of you who actually decide to read these...

Little Ev, you are getting so smart. You understand so, so much and are learning more and more every day. I feel like our relationship has finally moved beyond me simply being your caregiver day in and day out. We laugh. We play. You communicate with me. You're expressing yourself. You get me. I get you. 

You're energetic. You play hard. All. day. long. Some days you prefer playing alone, which might involve pushing your toy car into every piece of furniture in the house, stacking all of your stuffed animals in a pile on the chair, or pretending to cook a delicious meal in your kitchen set. Other days mommy has to be by your side, which means I end up beneath a pile of penguins, bears, Elmos and Winnie the Poohs, or tasting the delicious pretend pot of tea you made with a plastic knife for the millionth time in a row. 

You're a thinker. I love how you study people and things. You take your time to decide whether or not you like him/her/it and then examine it/them more before you warm up. You will stare people down at the grocery store, and you are so serious most of the time when playing alone with your toys as though you are putting in a full day's work. 

You're particular. From food texture and messy hands to whether or not you want to put your shoes on, you certainly like things a certain way. For instance, when you notice mommy doesn't have her socks on you immediately come running to me with them, as if you were saying, "duh, mom you forgot about these." Or if your own sock or slipper falls off, you come running to me quickly with it in your hand because it apparently really bothers you to have one off and one on. 

You're lovable. And finally, this kissing stage you're going through right now is the best. Most days I will be in the kitchen doing something and you will go into the play room for a few minutes, come out and kiss my leg, go back into play room, and then a couple of minutes later come back out to kiss my leg. This goes on for a while, as though you need to reassure me that you do love me. You also love to kiss your stuffed animals, among other things like canned foods, puzzles and the TV remote. This month we learned how to blow kisses too-- heart melting. 

You understand a wide range of words now which is helpful. I can tell you to put your toys away or to go grab a book and you enthusiastically comply. You say some words, including ba-ba-ba (baby), duck, dog, hot, mum, dad,  and dat (that). You also can neigh like a horse and roar like a lion in addition to dog, cat and cow sounds. 

Lastly, I need to mention a proud parent moment. Last night as I was counting down the minutes until getting you ready for bed time, I sat in the play room with you as I scanned emails and read Facebook statuses. (Yay me). Anyway, I looked around and you weren't in the play room anymore. This isn't unusual by any means, but when I turned around to look for you in the kitchen I noticed you were at the TOP OF THE STAIRS and walking into your bedroom. Whoops. I'm glad you're a good climber, but seriously, not mommy's proudest moment. 

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