
Thursday, January 16, 2014

Month 14 Update

14 Months!

Evie, you've really been letting your personality shine lately. I look at you a lot of times and think, "Where did my baby go?!"  I think much of this is due to the fact that you are communicating so much with us.

Although you aren't quite picking up on the sign language I've been trying, you definitely have your own way of telling us what you want. Pointing, while annoying a lot of the time because you are literally sticking your mini pointer in my face, has been SO helpful.

So now if you want a drink of water or something to eat, you will go over to the table and point at your water bottle or a banana while whining and grunting.  Or I can ask you if you want more to eat and you simply shake your head no.

You also really love animals. Books are your favorite right now, so pretty much any book you rip down from your book shelf is about an animal (or Santa for some reason, weird).  Dogs, ducks and cats are favorites and almost always receive a big kiss on the page. You are also woofing a lot when you see dogs now, both real and pretend. Squirrels in the yard also get a woof, so I guess we need to work on that. Cows get a "mmmmmm." And while you can't quack, you do say "duck" a lot when spotted in books, pointing and saying, "duh, duh."

Your recent cuddles have been much appreciated. You've never been a snuggly baby but all of sudden you want held and kissed pretty frequently.....usually at the most inconvenient times, but hey, I'll take it.

You make me laugh a lot. I realize it's only because I am your mom that I think you are hilarious, but that's what I'm here for right? You play peek a boo with us. You dance to music. You chase us. You make the silliest "that's amazing" face. You hold your nose when I say "you're stinky." You're a funny, funny girl.

It's amazing how much you understand of what I say like "diaper" or "daddy is home" which always gets a big grin. The other evening I started reciting the book I Love You Through and Through and you ran over behind your basket of toys to get it for me to read to you!

You must watch my actions way more than I realized. You know what to push on my iPhone to make it light up, you put clothes into your drawers, and the other day I caught you picking up a piece of lint off of the floor and putting it in the trash can (later that day I also found your water bottle in there!). Daddy and I fear that you too will have a detail-oriented, type A personality, just like us!

Sleep is also improving. You make it through the entire night most nights, or at least until 4 or 5am in which case I just go in and nurse you back to sleep. We put you down between 6 and 7pm, and you wake for the day between 7 and 8, which is fantastic because I get a few hours to myself in the morning to work, read, clean up or get ready.  We are also in a weird place with naps. Some days you take just one if you wake up in the morning around 8. It's nice having more flexibility in the day to run errands without a melt down, but I think our 1 nap days seem to really drag, especially in the winter.

You're such a peanut and keep me laughing all day long!

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