
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Hayes is 4 months & Evie update

Oh, the joyous fourth month. The month in which your infant transitions from newborn to baby...and with these changes come some major obstacles.

Let's start with the 4 month sleep regression, shall we? This so called regression is real people, and Evie went through it too. Hayes was sleeping anywhere between 8-10 hour stretches at night during his third month and then as we crept up on about the 16th week, BAM, out of no where he is now sleeping maybe 5 hours the first stretch and then waking up at least every 2 hours for the rest of the night. Since he goes to bed so early (between 5-6), Ryan and I only catch the tail end of his long stretch, leaving us tired and cranky the rest of the night. It stinks, but it's really so much bearable the second time around. This too shall pass. I know that to be true.

Hayes is also such a cat napper. We rarely see even an hour nap out of him unless he is in the car. I really think it takes me longer to get him to go to sleep during the day than he actually stays asleep. Again, going to pass, right?! Right?

Apart from Hayes' recent sleep hiccups, he continues to charm me with his flirty grins and playful eyes every day. He "talks" and laughs and is just such a happy baby. He also:
  • Rolls from belly to back and almost rolling back to belly
  • Enjoys sitting up with assistance
  • Loves to make eye contact and coo and chat with us
  • Loves, loves, loves bath time
  • Laughs and laughs when we tickle him
  • Is now mostly in cloth diapers, except for night time
  • Constantly chomps on fists and drools all over his shirts

Evie adores him <3

And so do I

Great grandma B finally meets Hayes!

Sweet little Evie isn't so little anymore either. My first baby seems to act more and more like a little girl every day. I made a sad face the other day and whimpered to her, "You aren't mommy's baby anymore." She patted my back and said, "Don't be silly mom."

She's into building blocks, doing puzzles (she's graduated to the 24 and 48 pieces!), drawing and coloring, stamps, crafts (or craps as she calls it), baby dolls, and pretending. The girl just loves to play. If you come over, you're sure to get a, "Will you pway with me?!"

She wants oatmeal almost every morning for breakfast and insists that kitty cat, penguin and baby doll join her at the table. She also enjoys helping mommy make smoothies and doing everything by herself.  She's super intuitive and catches on to everything so quickly.

She also says the funniest things all day, so I've started jotting them down so I don't forget. Here are a few recent favorites"

Evie: Who's on phone, mom?
Me: I had to call the gym.
Evie: (Pause) Oh. I don't know Jim. I don't know him, mom.

Bought her a chocolate milk at Starbucks, placed it in the cupholder and told her she could have it when we got home. "Don't you touch my chocolate milk, mom."

"I like Daniel Tiger. Don't you fink (think), mom?"

She also likes to pretend there is a lion or a bear in the house. She will point to a corner of a room or in her tee-pee and say, "Shhh it's a bear." She really has quite the imagination.

Before I put her down for a nap or bed, I will usually prepare her by saying something like, "You can
play with your puzzle for 10 minutes and then we are going upstairs." After 10 minutes is up, I tell her it is time for bed and she will come back with (while holding up her pointer finger), "I'm going to pway a wiiiiittle bit longer, OK?"

Lastly, I heard this song the other day while the kids were napping and I sat on the couch weeping. JJ Heller and her husband wrote a series of songs for their young daughters- the sweetest! I've been singing it during the day, and Evie sings along. If you're a cryer, grab some tissues. ;)

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