
Thursday, February 26, 2015

Hayes is 5 months, Evie-isms and more

Seriously, I can hardly believe Hayes is already 5 months, just one month shy of (gasp) half a year old. What?! It's like I blinked and my newborn skipped ahead 5 months.... unreal. I kind of wish he'd just stay a baby forever though.

Hayes is obviously growing up way faster than I can keep up. This past month he seemed to change a ton, becoming so much more aware of himself and his surroundings. He's reaching and grabbing at things, sitting up in the bumbo, pushing up when on his tummy, and overall just interacting and watching the rest of our every moves.

Sleep? Yeah, it doesn't happen much, or well (theme of my blog really.) Naps are pretty much non-existent these days. Night time is hit or miss, mostly a miss. I was at my wits end the other day after trying to get him to nap for more than 15 minutes at a time, so this past week I have been trying to help him self soothe (AKA not rush in to soothe him when he starts to cry and not nurse him to sleep), which let me tell you is basically like jabbing a knife into my heart. But honestly, I don't know what else to do for him most of the time. He needs to sleep. I do whatever it takes to get him to sleep, and then something wakes him up and he can't self-soothe back to sleep. And then I have to start all over. And my toddler is downstairs by herself watching Curious George for the 5th time that morning. Craziness. So yeah, bottom line: Hayes needs to learn how to sleep on his own.

We also had about three days of just straight fussing a couple of weeks back. Hayes is typically a pretty happy, easy going baby when he is awake and when he isn't, I can usually tell what he wants (i.e. hunger, sleep, comfort.) Well for a few days he just cried and cried. He wanted held non-stop. Wouldn't nap. Didn't eat a ton. Nothing calmed him down. It was rough. For all of us. It turns out he is about to get his two bottom teeth. I can almost see them poking through so I am guessing his unusual outbursts (and perhaps sleep issues) have been related to teething pain.

Other things...

  • Constantly touching his hair with his hand
  • Wearing 6 month clothes
  • Sooo ticklish under his arms
  • Sitting up supported and enjoys bearing weight on legs
  • Still going to chiro every few weeks
  • Started getting excema on his belly and back (luckily not as bad as Evie had at his age)
  • More intentional with movements (able to grab toy or put paci back in mouth)
  • Hasn't found his feet yet
  • Hair is getting noticeably blonder (and starting to look more like big sis)
  • Blows spit bubbles
I'm telling you, this boy has a twinkle in his eye. One sheepish grin my way and he has my heart melting into a puddle on the floor. 

And then there's Ev. Where do I begin. This kid has me on my toes. She is so sharp, it scares me sometimes. Ive really got to start watching what I say and do around her. And the questions....SO many questions these days. Here are some favorite Evie sayings this month....

  • "Daddy not hear." (She says this a lot when she yells for daddy and he doesn't respond)
  • Who bought it? Who bought it, mommy?" (She wants to know who bought EVERYTHING, from pants to toys to food. I've been telling her it doesn't matter. Then she says, "the mail man bought it" since he technically does deliver most of the things we buy.)
  • "Well act-ewy (actually), how about...." (Basically tells me nice idea, but I'd actually rather do...) Like today in the car I turn on the radio and she says, "Well act-ewy, what about Wheels on the Bus?"
  • "Can you save it for later?" (When she doesn't finish part of her meal she insists that I keep it for later.)
  • "I share wif Hayes" (she says proudly as she holds up a toy she snatched from his hand)
  • "Member (Remember) last night?" (She asks this out of no where all the's so funny because I feel like something we are doing must trigger some memory of the day before)

Other things....

  • Napping in big girl bed for a month now!
  • No interest in potty training, although Nana bought her her first big girl panties. She was excited about them for a few days, but they've seemed to have lost their coolness.
  • Sorting and understanding colors and shapes
  • Still LOVES puzzles. They remain scattered all over the living room floor all week long. 
  • Enjoys play-doh. She only ever "builds castles" with it. 
  • Discovered sprinkles, so we now put them ice cream, yogurt and waffles. 
  • Continues to play independently. She loves being around other kids and will even stay in the nursery now at church (high-five + happy dance), but often finds one activity to do and will do focus on it the entire time.
She is such a sweetheart and has always been extremely affectionate, but I think even more so lately. She will just come up to me during the day to say, "I wuv you mommy" while hugging my leg. It may or may not be because she wants something, but hey, I'll take it. I just love her to pieces.

And finally, pictures galore. I had my camera out a lot this past month.

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