
Saturday, May 30, 2015

8th Month & Evie update

Hayes is on his way to being such a big boy! This month was all about movement. He's ALMOST sitting on his own. He's grabbing and pinching. He's picking up his food and putting it in his mouth. Andddd, he's crawling! Well not real crawling, but he can get up on all 4's, then collapse into an army crawl and get to whatever he wants pretty quickly! It's super exciting, but it is also exhausting because he can now move all over the room, and that means I have to keep a closer eye on him. I feel like I am constantly re-routing him all day or listening to Evie yell at him for getting in her things.

Also this month...

  • Hayes enjoys eating so much more than Evie ever did. I am doing a combination of purees and baby led weaning and it is working pretty well. I hope in the next month to be done with the purees and just be on table food! So far he's tried a lot of variety, like avocado, sweet potatoes, squash, blueberries, toast, yogurt, corn, apple....and blackberries (only by accident though when he crawled across the floor and snatched Evie's when she wasn't looking.)
  • Poor sleep is our jam. But not by choice. Hayes continues to wake 4-8 times a night. WOMP. He also takes 3 naps a day, typically lasting 30-45 minute. The other day he napped 1 hour and 45 minutes and I couldn't believe it. 
  • He says "mama!" Aren't they supposed to say da-da first? #momforthewin ;)
Evie is also making some moves of her own. She continues to keep us laughing with her humor and wit. She has the biggest heart and his super aware and concerned of other's feelings. Her vocabulary is outstanding, and sometimes I think she is too smart for her own good. Most days are pretty not "terrible-twos" with her. But man, when it's a doozy of a day, she can bust out a pretty mean tantrum.

She's also just recently started peeing (and one poo!) in the potty. I just need to stop being lazy and do the potty training thing. Who knew seeing your kid poop in the pot would be so exciting!? 

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