
Thursday, July 9, 2015

9 months old + the wonderfully terrible two's

At 9 months old, Hayes is unstoppable. Gone are the days of being able to sit him down, grab a cup of coffee and come back to where I left him. In fact, it feels like most days I basically follow him around, reroute him and pull him off of whatever dangerous object he has pulled himself onto.

It's exhausting, but it also has its perks. Now that he can crawl, he loves to chase after Evie. His eye catches her across the room and nothing is going to stop him from reaching to her (except for mom of course.) I just love the little relationship they are forming and am so excited to watch them become friends.

Other fun Hayes happenings during the 9th month:

Becoming more playful and interactive.
Sitting on own.
Eating solids like a champ. So fun having a baby so excited about food. If I am eating a snack and he spots me, he basically attacks my leg and starts crying in frustration.
Sleeping better! Hooray for naps that last longer than 30 minutes.
Two top teeth poked through with two more on the way.
Pulling up (and also falling down a lot as a result of his newfound hobby).
Standing in crib. :(
Understands name and other words (like nursing and Evie).
Size 4 diapers (big boy!)
Loves being in the baby carrier.
Says mamma!

Hayes is an absolute sweetheart, has the most perfect smile, is extremely curious and keeps me on my toes all day.

In other NEWS....Evie has been potty trained for about a month now. It was easier than I anticipated, but a frustrating endeavor nonetheless. It is really nice having just one kid in diapers! Although extremely lovey and affectionate most of the time, she seems to be going through a bout of the terrible two's lately. Some of her tantrums have been insane. A lot of the time I have to remind myself that she is "only two" and she can't possibly express or understand her emotions. Love this kid and all of the craziness she brings to our family.

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