
Monday, August 3, 2015

10 months old!

Happiest 10 months, Hayesy (last week, whoops!) You are literally just cruisin right along, and I cannot believe we are just a couple months out from your 1st birthday. <insert sobbing emoticon>

This month you continued to improve your mobility. You can now crawl quickly across the floor, pull up and sit back down with ease, and are climbing onto things as well, like low shelves and chairs. You enjoy pushing objects around the house as you crawl. I have a hunch you will be walking before you turn one.

You have 6 teeth now, 2 on the bottom and 4 on the top. We had a few days of teething pain this past month, which resulted in a lot of tears and poor sleep. Luckily it seems like you may be over that hump now. With those new chompers poking through, however, you've discovered how to bite. You often nibble on my shoulder and leg, and when I express my pain, you laugh.

Eating continues to be one of your favorite activities. Whether you are nursing or shoveling puffs into your mouth, you love food. Eggs, cheese, strawberries, peaches, plums, blueberries, turkey, chicken, green beans, peas, and sweet potatoes are some of our go-tos. You especially love fruit and meat.

Sleep has gotten better, especially during the day. You take two naps, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. One of the two naps is usually between 1.5-2.5 hours! Hallelujah!  You go to bed anywhere between 6-7:30 depending on when your last nap was. You go down pretty easily, but you still wake up 2-4 times a night.

You are such a cuddly boy. When it is nap time, all it takes is a dark room, a pacifier and your blanket, and you snuggle up on my shoulder. You are still mesmerized by big sis, following her around and laughing at everything she does. Speaking of laughs, you are easy to amuse. You give the biggest belly laughs, especially when we play airplane on my legs or when we play hide and seek.

You are truly such a happy baby and an absolute joy. We love you to pieces, Hayesy boy.

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